Raphaël Rey

Student at CERI since 2018,enrolled in Computer Science and currently in 1st year of master for Software engineering
I will be honest, one of the main reason I chose CMI was at first curiosity, wanted to know what this specific path could possibly bring me. And I’m pleased to report that so far it’s been pretty interesting, I’ve been able to meet passionate peoples, both students and teachers alike. I also had the opportunity to work and engage with technology and projects I would have missed out on otherwise. But above all I learned things tha t go beyond the domain of Computer Science, business skill, innovation skills…I find these to be of immense values since they are not often taught in the regular curriculum, despite being incredibly important both as an individual and as a future employee and hopefully a young entrepreneur.

Since this blogpost is about me I suppose it’s only fair that I share a bit of my life’s story. I picked up programming at around age 14, out of curiosity to understand how video games worked. I got started with a now dead(or almost dead) language called Delphi, variant of the better known Pascal language and decompiling with IDA(Disassembler/Debugger),I would use Delphi to write software to interact with some games and IDA to understand the game code and on occasion modify it.

A very odd start for a young programmer, I am aware, but it is how I began. As I got better I eventually switched to C++/C#,this time in order to make my own games, with well known engines such as Unreal or Unity.I also used the Source Engine from Valve quite often,mainly for amateur map making in Counter-Strike:Source
Fast-forwarding a little bit, programming documentations being primarily written in Shakespeare’s tongue as we say in France, I had to sharpen my skills in English, to that end I met numerous people, through various channels, usually related to games again. And today I am lucky to be good friends with quite a numbers of them. To the point that for the past 4-5 years I’ve been working on a game with them, acting as the lead developer, we hope to release the fruits of our labours next year, we already have gathered a small community of followers, and while I know that what we will release is not gonna shake the very video game industry to it’s core, I cannot help but be excited to how people will react to what we will deliver.
While I wish I could tell you more, I’m afraid we’d be here for hours, so unfortunately, we will have to end it here. Raphael Rey, signing off.