The five ages of modern man

The five ages of modern man

Collaborative writing, after William Shakespeare’s famous monologue in « As You Like It », Act II Scene VII

At the beginning, the newborn,
Straight from the artificial incubator center, 
One of the hundreds during the past hour,
Ready to live the same life as the others,
The result of too much porn. 

Then as he finishes his class on his tablet,
His mom wants him to explain Hamlet.
But he prefers playing super hero on Fortnite,
And he dreams of becoming a knight.

And then comes the teenager.
In his bag, some paper,
Not only to write but to roll joints,
Phone in hand, liking many pics.

And now, the stressed-out adult,
The one who has no time to himself,
Locked in his routine between kids, work, and mistress,
An exhausted one, with no juice left.

And so comes the end of the journey,
With a heart filled with regret
And forgotten memories of a bygone era.
Nothing left to do, nothing left to see,
Except reminisce about what could’ve been.

by Audran, Damien Da, Damien De, Guillaume, Julien, Ludovic, Nathanaël, Pierre, Raphaël, Sébastien
Spring 2021

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