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Le monde visité par les CMI

Weather and landscapes in Växjö

Weather and landscapes in Växjö

What I enjoyed the most during my semester in Växjö was nature and its beautiful landscapes. Växjö is a little city of about 71k inhabitants surrounded by several lakes and is known for being the greenest city of Europe.

Being in Sweden from the end of August until early January, I’ve been able to go through three different seasons, seeing the end of summer, fall and the early winter.


Beautiful landscape at a lake during sunset

Summer in Växjö feels pretty good with temperatures around 20 to 25°C. It’s a temperature where you can enjoy everything, from barbecues to sports or bathing in lakes. It was a good time for me to arrive in Sweden knowing what I would have to face in winter.

Picture taken on the very last day of summer.


Fall, like every other season, is a very beautiful moment in Växjö. Leafs start turning yellow, orange, red, and make it even more enjoyable to have a little run around the lakes.

Something special about Växjo and Sweden in general is that, at least from my experience, it is very often (not to say all the time) cloudy, and you also have a lot of rain that comes with it. Happily, the rain there is more often than not very thin and enjoyable.

If you’re going for a walk at night, you’ll be able to witness totally different landscapes in darkness, as much in the city as in more natural places.


Winter is the toughest season to live in Sweden but is also the one that fits this country best. Under snow, this city suddenly looks totally different. During my stay, temperatures went as low as -15°C, and it’s on this day that I could take among the best pictures. This trip in Sweden taught me that it was not unbearable for me to live in a that cold place, as long as I wear clothes warm enough. The wind being not too strong there, -15°C actually feels warmer (or let’s say, less cold) than I expected !

Once again, going for a walk by night can give you a totally different view of the city, this time under beautiful snow and lights.

Mumble Swansea

Mumble Swansea

Mumble est une zone de Swansea dont je recommande à tous d’aller visiter si vous êtes de passage au pays de Galles. Ici, il y a de nombreux restaurants, de nombreux vendeurs de glaces ainsi qu’un climat très agréable avec une magnifique vue.

Je recommande vivement d’aller visiter Mumble en Septembre.

Pour aller jusqu’à Mumble depuis Swansea depuis Bay Campus vous devrez prendre un bus qui va jusqu’à Singleton Park (par exemple le 8) et après prendre le bus adapté qui va jusqu’à Mumble. À noter qu’un « daily ticket » acheté directement dans le 8 ne fonctionnera pas dans la ligne pour le retour de Mumble donc prévoyez de racheter un autre ticket pour revenir de Mumble vers Swansea centre. Le trajet dure 30 minutes depuis Bay Campus.

Comptez 3 heures de marche si vous êtes motivé. (faites gaffes à la marée si vous prenez la voie de la plage)